How to Apply to University

Information on Applying in Ontario

A recommended website for all Ontario university information is (also known as e-Info).

Ontario Universities Application Information (OUAC)

All students applying to Ontario Universities do so on-line through OUAC (Ontario Universities Application Centre).

Website :

The OUAC deadline for applications is JANUARY 12, 2023 for equal consideration.

Since the website gets extremely busy in the new year, the recommended deadline is to complete your application before the Christmas holidays.

To see the tutorial videos and information on how to apply visit:

Special Notes on Applications:

Early Acceptance to Universities

Some universities may offer early acceptance to their programs. Early acceptance may be offered to students who excelled in their Gr. 11 U/M courses. Some important notes about early acceptance:

ELL Students and Students Recently Arrived to Canada

If you're applying for a program and you have not completed at least three years full time in an institution where English is the language of instruction (aside from in language courses) or is not located in a country where English is an official language, you may be asked to provide your official score in one of the English language tests recognized by the university. The institution you have applied to will notify you of this by email if this applies to you. See the university websites or your guidance counsellor for help.

What if I don’t get accepted? The OUAC Admissions Information Service

Applying to Universities Outside of Ontario

For "out-of-province" universities, you must apply to the university directly. Check the school's website for details on how to apply. If you apply to a University outside of Ontario, please send an email request to with your application number and the email address for the admissions department. We can then send your Transcript to the university to allow them to process your application.

OUAC can provide academic information (Transcripts) to: Bishop's, UBC, U of Calgary, Concordia, Dalhousie, McGill, U of New Bruns., St. Mary's, Simon Fraser and U of Victoria. However you must apply directly to those schools first. For any other Universities outside of Ontario, you will need to request your transcript by emailing the request details to

Extra Support

Looking for extra support in the your university experience and/or don't meet the requirement for a certain program? Check out Carleton University Enriched Support Program

SAT Information

Thinking of going to an American University and need SAT information?

Ottawa SAT Preparation Programs 
