School Board Awards

ALL applications for the awards listed below are due Tuesday, March 18th, 2025

NOTE: Please be sure to name your files with your Last name AND First name as well as what part of the application it is. I.e. Smith, John - Reference #1  or Smith, John - Essay Reflection

Incomplete or late applications cannot be accepted.

Indigenous Bursaries

Indigenous Bursaries - Check out the OCSB Indigenous Education page here for more information on scholarships and bursaries for Indigenous students. 

Mike Baine Scholarship Award 

This award is being given out in honour of Mike Baine, who died on February 24, 2023. An employee of the Ottawa Catholic School Board for 35 years, Mike worked as a Teacher, Vice-Principal, Principal and Superintendent. He also attended St. Pius X High School as a boarder in the 1960s. Mike Baine made the most out of every day. He got up early, made to-do lists and then did what he put on the list. In all aspects of his life, he set goals, made a plan to accomplish those goals and regularly surpassed even his own expectations.

Mike Baine was a man who was known for his full, adventurous, active life. Trekking across the Alps and climbing to Mt Everest Base Camp in his late 60’s were just small examples of his passion for life and his true ‘joie de vivre’. What Mike Baine was most known and admired for was his kindness, his love and commitment to his family and friends and his ability to connect with everyone he met. You could not walk away from Mike Baine without feeling special, valued and heard. He had a unique way of making you feel that he was on your side. He emanated compassion and love, and he strongly believed in finding opportunities every day to do something kind for others. He never went out without coming back with a story of someone he’d met and helped. 

Mike Baine was deeply involved in his community. Upon retirement, Mike turned his attention to Child and Youth Mental Health, both as a consultant and as a volunteer. He was proud to have overseen the development, implementation and management of a Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program in every high school in Ottawa. In his volunteer capacity, he served as Chair of the Board of Directors of the Youth Services Bureau, a Trustee with CHEO, Chair of the Provincial Board of Directors of the Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health, on the Board of Directors of Rideauwood, and on the Board of Directors of the Ottawa Children's Treatment Center. This volunteerism, combined with his incredible fundraising success (The Ride for The Ottawa Hospital, the CHEO Ride, the Ottawa Hospital President's Breakfast) led to him being awarded the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteers in 2019.

He was so highly respected and valued in his community that people would boast about “actually knowing and being friends with Mike Baine.” He gave 100% effort to everything he did, handling the unexpected, unpleasant challenges that came his way with grit and determination to push through them and succeed - and his journey with cancer was no exception. Despite whatever he was up against, he continued to pick himself back up and consciously got on with living. More than that, he continued to approach every day with joy, optimism and love. He continued to lift others up, even during his journey with cancer. Mike Baine exemplified kindness, compassion and love, and that included determination, courage and a cheerful spirit in the face of the greatest adversity. 

To learn more about Mike’s life, please see the links below of articles written about him:

Ottawa Citizen Article 1

Ottawa Citizen Article 2

CTV News Article

Kitchissippi Times Article

The Mike Baine Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1. Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma, including the community service component.

2. A student who puts people first, who lifts others up, who sets and achieves ambitious goals, who pushes through adversity with a positive spirit, who is dedicated to volunteerism, and who embraces life fully, wholly and with the greatest joy and optimism.


The School-Based Honours and Awards Committee will determine the appropriate candidate and submit their choice using the Mike Baine Form link. The Baine Family will select one recipient.


A bursary of a minimum of $10,000, an award and a certificate to one student. 

Applicants must submit a complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison by the assigned due date.

Click Here to Apply 

Devon Haye OCSB Impact Award

Devon Haye was a student at St. Francis Xavier High School from 2009 until his graduation in 2015.  He distinguished himself both academically and socially through his studies, extracurricular involvement and creativity at the school.  Please review  Devon Haye's Profile.

The Devon Haye Impact Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1.  Planning to attend post-secondary studies at an accredited University;

2.  Attained a minimum 85% average throughout all high school years (Gr. 9-12);

3.  Completed all the requirements for obtaining an Ontario Secondary School diploma including the community service component.


It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that the application package is complete. A complete application package consists of the following items.  

1.   The application form is fully completed.

2.   An up to date transcript of your academic record indicating at least an 85% average throughout your high    school years.

3.   A resume outlining the activities through which you have shown strong commitment and balance between academic and co-curricular activities  (eg, Student Council; Leadership Camp; Mentorship Programs; Tutoring other students; assisting teachers in class preparation; sports; entrepreneurial ventures; non-profit involvement; etc). These activities do not have to be limited within school time and could be extra-curricular such as volunteering above the required 40 hrs through school.

4.   Two reflective discourses by you (maximum 300 words each) addressing the points in the application sections below.

5.   A maximum of two letters of reference, attesting to your fulfillment of the spirit of this award, sent directly to the awards coordinator.


The School-Based Awards Committee will nominate one candidate each based on the criteria. Submission of completed application form with the portfolio should be submitted using the Devon Haye OCSB Impact Award Form Link.  A Board-Based Awards Committee will review nominations and select the top 3 candidates.  These 3 candidates will be forwarded to the family to select the award recipient.


An award of $2000 accompanied by an individual certificate and a award trophy for the one board award.

Applicants must submit complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison  by the assigned due date.

Apply Here 

The Ashfield Community Involvement Award

The Ashfield Community Involvement Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1. Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma, including the community service component and a minimum 70% average.

2. Accepted for studies at a College or University.

3. Have significant financial challenges associated with continuing their post-secondary pathway.


Please outline, on an attached document, up to two pages in length, why you are applying for this award and ensure it includes reference to:

- future academic plans or goals

- involvement at your school and/or involvement in your community

- how the award would assist with any financial challenges associated with attending a post-secondary program

other information as needed to support your nomination (a maximum of two additional reference letters may accompany your application)



A total of seven (7) bursaries of $3,200 (TBC) will be awarded.

Applicants must submit a complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison by the assigned due date. 

Fill out the form here.

The Catholic Graduate Expectations Award

The Catholic Graduate Expectations Award is to honour a Catholic graduate from each high school based on the following considerations:

1.  Participated in school, community and parish initiatives throughout their high school career that have enhanced the character of the Catholic Graduate.

2.  Demonstrated the distinctive expectations as delineated in the Catholic Graduate Expectations document. He or she is expected to be; a discerning believer; a collaborative contributor; a caring family member; a self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner; a responsible citizen; an effective communicator; and a reflective, creative and holistic thinker.


The school will select three Catholic applicants and submit those three names to the board using the Ottawa Catholic Graduate Expectations Award Form Link.  The board-based Honours & Awards Committee will review all applications and interview candidates at their school and recommend one award recipient from each school.


A bursary of $1,000 accompanied by an individual certificate. 


Ottawa Catholic Trustee Service Award 

The Ottawa Catholic Trustee Service Award is to honour a Catholic graduate from each high school based on the following considerations:

1.  Demonstrated extensive service in school activities for a minimum of three years.

2.  Demonstrated service in the community and/or fundraising involvement.

3.  Taken initiative and demonstrated leadership.

4.  Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma, including the community service component.

The student applicant can not be serving as an Ottawa Catholic School Board Student Trustee.


The School-Based Awards Committee will select three applicants and submit those three applications to the Board using the Ottawa Catholic Trustee Service Award Form Link. The applicable Zone Trustee will interview candidates at their school and determine the award recipient for each Catholic High School.


A bursary of $1500 and a certificate to one student from each Catholic High School.

Applicants must submit a complete package by the assigned due date.  

APPLY HERE for the Ottawa Catholic Trustee Service Award!

Be Community Award

“By our works we show our faith” James 2:18

For twenty-plus years, Trustee Curry, was widely respected for his collaborative, compassionate, and student-focused leadership. John will be remembered for his advocacy for students with special needs and gifted students; as a pioneer in energy conservation and environmental awareness, fiscal accountability, and his commitment to student success and well-being. Trustee Curry inspired this community award to recognize students who demonstrated an outstanding example of the dedication and commitment involved with volunteer community service hours and their impact on a particular student.

The Volunteer Community Service Hours Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1.  Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma, including the community service component.

2.  Included the total number of volunteer community service hours accumulated.

3.  Experienced a variety of activities in these volunteer community service hours.


The School-Based Awards Committee will determine the appropriate candidate for the $100 award. In addition, the School-Based Awards Committee is to submit that application using the Be Community Form link. The Board Selection Committee will select a recipient for an additional award of $1000 plus another $1000 donated to the recipient's charity of choice.


A bursary of $100 and a certificate to one student from each Catholic High School.

Applicants must submit a complete package by the assigned due date. 

APPLY HERE for the Be Community Award!

2025 Ottawa Catholic Teachers Graduating Student Award

PURPOSE: The Ottawa Catholic Teachers is pleased to award $1,000.00 to ONE graduating student in each OCSB High School, Algonquin Achievement Centre, St. John Bosco at Operation Come Home, and St. Mary's Personalized Learning Centre, to further their post-secondary education.

CRITERIA: The recipient must demonstrate a commitment to the principles of Catholic social teaching and social justice throughout their secondary school experience. 

APPLY HERE for the Ottawa Catholic Teachers Graduating Student Award!

The Archbishop’s Award for Catholic Leadership

The Archbishop’s Award for Catholic Leadership is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1. Exemplifies dedication to spiritual and social growth within his/her parish.

2. Participated in school and parish events that have enhanced the identity of the Catholic High School.

3. Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma, including the community service component.


The candidate will submit a letter of support from his/her parish priest and/or his/her school chaplain to the School-Based Awards Committee. The School-Based Awards Committee will determine the appropriate candidate and submit the name of the selected student using the link provided.


A bursary of $500 and a certificate to one student from each Catholic High School.

Applicants must submit a complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison by the assigned due date.

APPLY HERE for the Archbishop's Award for Catholic Leadership!

The Edward J. Cuhaci & Associates Architects Award

The Edward J. Cuhaci & Associates Architects Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1.  Planning to take a post-secondary program in the design/architectural studies field, college or university.

2.  Achievement in design/architectural related courses in high school.

3.  A portfolio, consisting of a minimum of three (3) submissions in the design area (i.e. computer design, artistic design or other related fields).

4.  Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma, including the community service component.


The School-Based Awards Committee will nominate one candidate each based on the criteria. Submission of completed application form with the portfolio should be submitted using the Edward J Cuhaci Form Link.  A Board-Based Awards Committee will review nominations and select a recipient.


An award of $1000 will be made to one secondary graduate student.

Applicants must submit complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison  by the assigned due date. 

APPLY HERE for the Edward J. Cuhaci & Associates Architects Award!

The Your Credit Union for Overall Achievement Award

The Your Credit Union for Overall Achievement Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1.  Demonstrated strong work ethic, community or school involvement.

2.  Have financial need for assistance to pursue his/her education goals whether at college or university level.


The School-Based Awards Committee will determine the appropriate school candidate and submit one name using the Your Credit Union Form Link.  The Board Awards sub-committee will review nominations and select a recipient.


One award of $1000 will be provided to a graduating student and a representative from Your Credit Union will present the award to the student at the graduation ceremony.

Applicants must submit a complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison  by the assigned due date.

APPLY HERE for the Your Credit Union for Overall Achievement Award!

The National Bank of Canada Award

The National Bank of Canada Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1. Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma, including the community service component.

2. Student plans to take a post-secondary program in college or university.


The School-Based Awards Committee will determine the appropriate candidate and submit recipient name using the National Bank of Canada Form Link.  A Board Awards Sub-Committee will review all nominations and select two (2) recipients.


Two awards of $1250 each will be provided to two students and a representative from The National Bank of Canada will present the awards at the graduation ceremony.

Applicants must submit a complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison by the assigned due date. 

APPLY HERE for the National Bank of Canada Award!

The Walking Towards Reconciliation Award

The Walking Towards Reconciliation Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1.  Demonstrated empathy and understanding of the context, culture, perspectives, and history regarding Indigenous peoples.

2.  Involved with an initiative, project or event that has tried to encourage reconciliation.

3.  Demonstrated through their daily actions and behaviours an appreciation of the value of Indigenous cultures to Canadian society.

Note:  Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students are eligible for this award.  It is an asset to have taken an Indigenous Studies course.


The School-Based Awards Committee will determine the appropriate candidate and submit the name of the selected student using the Walking Towards Reconciliation Form link.


A bursary of $1,000 and a certificate to one student from each Catholic High School.

Applicants must submit a complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison by the assigned due date.

APPLY HERE for the Walking Towards Reconciliation Award!

The Director of Education Award for Academic Perseverance

The Director of Education Award for Academic Perseverance is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1. Demonstrated perseverance throughout their secondary education, in order to achieve academic success for an OSS diploma, including the community service component.

2. Have demonstrated courage and determination while facing and overcoming adversity.


The School-Based Honours and Awards Committee will determine the appropriate candidate and submit their choice using the Director of Education Award for Academic Perseverance Form link.


A bursary of $1500 and a certificate to one student from each Catholic High School

Applicants must submit a complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison by the assigned due date.


The Director of Education Graduate Student Award

The Director of Education Graduate Student Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student based on the following considerations:

1.  An academic avg of at least 80%, based on final grades in Gr 11 courses and first semester Gr 12 courses.

2.  Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma, including the community service component.

3.  Consistently demonstrated positive social attitudes throughout his/her years of high school.

4.  Consistently exemplified the expectations of the Ontario Catholic School Graduate.

5.  A self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner who develops and demonstrates his/her God-given potential.

6.  A caring, individual who attends to family, school, parish and the wider community.

7.  Accepted at a university or college.


School-based Honours and Awards Committee will determine the appropriate candidate. The School-Based Awards Liaison will submit the school recipient's name using the Director of Education Graduate Student Award Form link.


A bursary of $1500 and a certificate to one student from each Catholic High School. 

APPLY HERE for the Director of Education Graduate Student Award!

The Pathways to Success - Destination Employability Award

The Pathways to Success - Destination Employability Award is to be awarded to a grade 12 graduating student with particular focus, but without limiting such focus will be given to students who:

1.  Demonstrated special dedication to pursuing a career directly after high school.

2.  Attained outstanding achievement in view of their employers and cooperative education teachers.

3.  Demonstrated a well-rounded achievement in their education and community involvement.

4.  Been successful in their chosen pathway.

5.  Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma (30 credits), or an OSS Certificate (14 credits) or a Certificate of Accomplishment and demonstrated a special talent for their chosen pathway.


The School-Based Awards Committee will determine the appropriate candidate. The School-Based Awards Liaison will submit one name using the Destination Employability Award Form link.


A bursary of $500 and a certificate to one student from each Catholic High School

Applicants must submit a complete package to the School-Based Awards Liaison by the assigned due date.

APPLY HERE for the Pathways to Success - Destination Employability Award!

The Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award

Awarded to a grade 12 graduating student with particular focus, but without limiting such focus will be given to students who:

1.  Demonstrated a special dedication to pursuing a career in the skilled trades. The award may be granted to someone eligible for, or enrolled in an apprenticeship program or considering an apprenticeship program.

2.  Attained outstanding achievement in the view of their employers and cooperative education teachers.

3.  Demonstrated a well-rounded achievement in their education and community involvement.

4.  Attained outstanding achievement in the context of economic, cultural or social barriers.

5.  Completed all the requirements for obtaining an OSS diploma, including the community service component. 

Submission Requirements:

A bursary of $1,000 and a certificate to one student from each Catholic High School.

APPLY HERE for the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program Award!